Video: How to prepare for MBA interview
StandardWatch our video about: How to prepare for MBA interview.
Our Managing Director, Jason Skinner, sits down for a webinar and answers students’ questions about how to prepare for the MBA interview.
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/RXyjJ-NiUJ0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Topadmit/
Webinar: How to prepare for MBA interview – RSVP now!
StandardRSVP > http://bit.ly/2i0GQXK
First, the good news: your MBA admissions office has invited you for an interview. Now the bad news: You’ve got to interview! But don’t fret – TopAdmit knows how to help. Our GM Jason Skinner is a McCombs (Texas) MBA grad and will give you an overview of what to expect in a FREE WEBINAR on 18th Jan, 20:00 PM GMT+8
Limited spaces are available: sign up here today and submit any questions you’d like our GM to address: global@topadmit.com
Can’t make it live? Register anyway! (All registrants will receive a recorded version of the webinar once complete)