Tips on Getting Most Out Of a University Fair

If you’re planning to attend University Fairs in the near future, TopAdmit has a wealth of can’t-miss tips on “Getting The Most Out Of a University Fair.” We interview educational industry veteran Nancy Tsai, Director of EnvisionPrep, who has nearly two decades of experience in advising students on preparing for their study abroad journeys.
Best of all, if you SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel after viewing this video, share your thoughts with us via private message to get an exclusive 15%-off coupon to your next admissions essay, statement of purpose, or resume CVs’ edit!

Webinar: How to prepare for MBA interview – RSVP now!

Webinar: How to prepare for MBA interview - RSVP now!

Webinar: How to prepare for MBA interview – RSVP now!


First, the good news: your MBA admissions office has invited you for an interview. Now the bad news: You’ve got to interview! But don’t fret – TopAdmit knows how to help. Our GM Jason Skinner is a McCombs (Texas) MBA grad and will give you an overview of what to expect in a FREE WEBINAR on 18th Jan, 20:00 PM GMT+8

Limited spaces are available: sign up here today and submit any questions you’d like our GM to address:

Can’t make it live? Register anyway! (All registrants will receive a recorded version of the webinar once complete)