
  • Excellent editing. Couldn't ask for more

    Apply to: NYU-Stern School of Business

  • Thank you! You are the best! My SOP looks so much better :)

    Apply to: NYU -MA in Literacy Education

  • Absolutely Amazing! Very straight forward, pointing out directly where I needed the most help! God-send!

    Apply to: University of Chicago- Economics

  • Great work. Thanks!

    Apply to: Chicago Booth

  • Fast service, helpful, knows exactly what we need!

    Apply to: HEC Paris

  • I'm really satisfied with your service, Jackie. Thank you very much. I'm editing it following your instructions, and will submit it again soon.

    Apply to: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

  • Perfect work!

    Apply to: Columbia University

  • Great work and wonderful advice. Thank you, Kerstin.

    Apply to: Stanford University

  • Kerstin is an incredible consultant! She replies quickly, and I find her comments really detailed and helpful. Thanks, Kerstin. ^_^

    Apply to: Harvard, UC Berkeley, Cornell, Georgetown

  • Thank you soooooo much for the prompt reply! I do find your comments really helpful, and will definitely be glad to recommend you, as well as Topadmit to all my friends that are in need! Thanks

    Apply to: Harvard, Berkeley, Cornell, Duke, Georgetown


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Topadmit按照我想要的幫我修改essay. 非常有價值的評論服務. Rating: 5
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