Why would I want to apply to this……thingy?
Why would you click this page?
Why would I want to apply to this program?
Easy. You earn money and get free essay editing service. Sounds good?
Why would I want your money and free essay editing service?
Of course you want money. In term of free essay editing services, we assume the reason you are interested in TACA is either that you have a dream of studying abroad or you are currently studying abroad and are searching for ways to improve your essay quality. So, if you are considering studying abroad, you want someone, your close friends, your families, your advisors, your coaches, and us to read your essays to ensure that the essays show your genuine tone. You want zero grammatical errors, so you want our professional help, for free. And if you are currently studying in universities and encounter plenty of English writing assignments, you need us to make sure you make zero mistakes. We do not write for you. We just make sure you write what you want to write.
I am a native English speaker and I do not need your help.
No, you do not need our help. Unless you need our help.
Nothing is free. So what do I need to do?
You make people sign up for our services. You enjoy your life in universities during most of the time, but if we need you, assist us. We seldom host on campus event since we are an online-essay editing service.
But I am not studying at a university?
But we edit college application essays.
How long can I work as a campus ambassador?
At least a semester. After every semesters, we conduct a review of everyone’s performance. Qualified ones will be asked if they want to do another term of campus ambassador or not.
We will wire your money to your bank account or give it to you through Paypal. Your pick.
How does the getting free essay editing service work?
You can earn commission fee (money), or commission credit (to buy essay editing service). You can choose to earn 10 % commission fee from every dollar you bring in, or earn 20 % commission credit to “buy” free essay editing service. You can keep the free services until you need them. Of course, if your loved ones or close friends want to use your services, ask them to give you their essays and you submit the essays for them.
What are the free editing services I may choose?
Everything. You are like purchasing our service with the doubled commission “credits”.
How does the system know if the customer is introduced by us?
When your customers make the payment, they need to fill in “your coupon”. This coupon identifies who “your” customers are. Then, when they make a payment, you will get paid.
What if they forget to enter my coupon code?
Remind them (sticks). Actually, when they enter the coupon code, they receive a 15% discount. That gives them the incentive (carrots) to use the coupon code.
Do I get a commission if I bring in one campus ambassador?
Do I get to work here someday?
Of course. Being a campus ambassador will become the spotlight of your resume when you apply for a job here at TopAdmit. We value this program and understand that every campus ambassadors contributes to this company a lot.
How do I get the recommendation?
Be awesome at your job as a campus ambassador. Earn your recommendation by demonstrating your sales and marketing ability.
What tools will I get to promote your services?
Some swags. T-Shirts, business cards, stickers, pamphlets, etc. We will inform you about the exact things you will receive to promote the service.
Can I be a campus ambassador at another company?
Of course. But at the end of the day, the amount of commission fee you receive depends on how many customers you introduce and how much they spend on our service. You decide how much you want to earn.
I know nothing about college and undergraduate program application process.
It is fine. We offer online and offline training materials. They are hopefully easy to understand. Click on the “training material” page to find out what you need to know.
No! We edit their writings.
I do not really know what TopAdmit does.
Try our free essay editing service: http://www.topadmit.com/ko/register But remember to sign in with your campus ambassador account if you have received one.
Why would I want your recommendation? Aren’t you just a start-up?
You will want our recommendation. We are a start-up that has won numerous international start-up awards and are supported/invested by some of the most notable entrepreneurs from Asia and the world.
What is the future of this company?
We aspire ourselves to become one of the largest online essay editing services in the world. That means that we not only want our customers to be from 30ish countries, but from every corner of the world. We want applicants to understand that we can help you in your application process. We may not be able to give you the full private consulting package to support you, but we can be sure that you show the best of yourself in your essays.
How did I manage to finish reading this list of questions?
It is probably because you are interested in applying for campus ambassador program. Click here to start the process: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IcDN3K-5RL0XIsxc2KbniN4aWbuaJv2I4MWjySLWH70/viewform